Friday, March 9, 2012

retail therapy

okay before everyone gets excited and think i struck the big sweep or something, this receipt belongs to one of my friends who works for SPH, urban paper(da weekly fashion paper), Rohai if you know him. I spent like 1/10 of that and i wanna peng* already.

anyways i finally did some much needed shopping, my wardrobe's getting too plain you see. the best time to shop is really in the morning. so after sending fluffy off to sch, i headed to H&M and got myself a couple of tees, shirt boxers and socks, basically essentials. but the tee is so awesome, the shirt is so gay (pics will be up soon), and damage was ... ... ... okay la, H&M stuff is starting to look betterrr and although many (like me) always kaopeh* that it is so mainstream and mass-market, but when i shop i just become genre-blind, with my value-4-$ goggles on and just pick what looks good on me. (pretty hard to find something that doesnt, if i might add) hur hur! BUT let me clarify, not trying to say anything but i wont be caught dead in 77th street stuff, NO FEAR, Ed Hardy, yea you know that kind cos it doesn't suit me. (contradicting whatever i said earlier about looking good in almost everything)

besides, its really not hard to find nice stuff @ H&M and they got basics too, so i was like picking things up and when it came to the bill, i was like @@!!! (lucky i dont drink so much anymore, $ put to better use)

then i decided to go over to pescado's, which is the shop next to fred's to look at their stuff. i gota pair of shoes there and finally, finally finally, the chain-like thingy for my keys (after spoiling the a-x and g-star one) damage was ...

i decided against getting the brown blazer @ fred's because, i really have too many blazers and jackets that i dont even wear. there's this g2000 faux leather one that i havnt even worn, impulse buy cos it was so cheap, like a 2 years ago.

i like to change my style every once a while lest my gf finds me boring. and the thought of that deals me a severe mental blow. like come on, anyone of you readers ever been through the situation when your partner wants you to tone down your lifestyle, but months later end up complaining that youre too monotonous and readable? Happens to my friends all the time though, lifestyle, fashion, etc. life is rather simple for me now(its like how many times i must say right?), but if there's one thing you should know, fluffy I'm full of surprises =) en mutation continuelle

okay i really need to go chiong my assignments now. i cant wait for tuesday when i can finally breatheeeee. zzzzzzzzzz. OH BTW, if anyone's looking for a part-time job in town, cineleisure, do let me know yea. send your details to and i'll get back to you asap. we're hiring! and non-smokers please, cos the management here baulks/frowns at a model of an employee who constantly closes the shop for his/her smoke breaks.


*peng (faint in hokkien)

*Kaopeh (literally translation Quarrel with One's father, but essentially to make a big hoohah, a hokkien dialect word)

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