Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monstrously hungry


And so that translates into an impromptu lunch buffet at holiday inn, windows on the park, with fluffy. Its at kramat lane, just got to walk along alleybar that area to get there eventually.

Okay finally. er but without pictures cos we always forget to take them. anyways damage was about $68+- for both of us, kudos to a promotion for major credit cards. 1 for 1 deal. not sure about the dinner though.

The selection of food was quite limited, say around 10-15 odd dishes to choose from. But thankfully the taste wasnt as bad as what some people put on hungrygowhere. i suppose their lunch offerings are different daily but basically what i had was like ... (supposed international buffet but it felt more like asian delights or something)

1) Sashimi
2) Prawns
3) Mussel Salad
4) Hong Kong style fried crispy prawns

They had sushi but yea i'm rather skeptical of buffet sushi-s so i gave it a miss.

Asian cuisine
1) Pineapple fried rice
2) Stir-fried beef or something like that
3) Some vegetables
4) Winter melon soup (yummy which i had like 5-6 servings)
5) This crusted thingy where you stuff like popiah filling into with eggs, grounded peanuts, etc

The salad bar was like shit though.

I was really quite hungry, so the food tasted pretty good. wrapped it up with the usual fondue and ice cream combi and i walked out a happy boy. The service was erratic, and inconsistent. Occasionally the staff will clear your plates but there was an instance when i managed to stack it up to like 4 plates they still did not clear it until i prompted them.

Verdict: Go for it only when there's the 1 for 1 promotion if you wanna grab lunch there. Ambience was only so-so.

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